Mountain States Construction Company - Jeld-Wen Manufacturing

Jeld-Wen Manufacturing

Window Manufacturing Facility
Yakima, WA

This project consisted of constructing a 147,000 sf pre-engineered steel building in order to relocate Jeld-Wen from its existing window manufacturing facility in Yakima to the new site. The facility was constructed on an 8-acre site requiring 8,000 yards of imported fill, 692’ of 9’ retaining wall, and over 150,000 sf of asphalt paving. The facility is made up of 12,000 sf two-story of office space, a 109,000 sf window and door manufacturing facility, a 25,500 sf robotic glass cutting facility and includes an 18 bay loading dock. The building structure supports one bridge crane and a state of the art robotic glass cutting line. The building is heated and ventilated by two 10 million Btu gas fired Rapid Air Units. The facility has a fire sprinkler system and the lighting includes energy efficient T-8 fixtures. The exterior of the office received a detailed stucco finish system with accent canopies over the windows.

Since completion of the manufacturing facility, Mountain States has completed numerous projects at other area locations for Jeld Wen including upgrades to an existing facility for a new extrusion line.

Design and Construction by Mountain States

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