Mountain States Construction Company - Tieton Hydroelectric Facility

Tieton Hydroelectric Facility

15 MW Hydroelectric Facility

Tieton, Wa

Mountain States dewatered and approximate 5 million gallon downstream pool, removed and relocated fish (to include fish protected by the Endangered Species Act), excavated over 2,000 cy of blasted basalt, installed four 4' diameter concrete auger pilings to reinforce the base structure, formed and placed over 6,000 cy of concrete, installed two 6' diameter penstock pipe and numerous other embedded items.

All work was done while maintaining the downstream flows by installing a 48" steel Trifurcation as part of one of the 6' diameter penstock valves.

The project also included the removal and reinstallation of two 6' diameter jet flow gates property of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and installed two 7.5 MW turbine generators.

Click on the photos below for a larger view.


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